Who Am I??

An environmental engg turned Software Engg working for a MNC. U cn call me Peenuts..thats what my long lost frend used 2 call me, and its in his memory.


The case of missing spectators at CWG

Newspapers, News channels, OC and Delhi govt are all talking about the lack of spectators at CWG games, which has become quite a sore point now. Some attribute it to security measures, while some to lack of proper directions. One reason that has been overlooked so far is the stup e-booking system in place. Infact its a mockery of internet booking. After making a booking, one needs to go all the way to Tolstoy Marg or Parliament Street to collect the ticket,  (Why wud anyone living in Ggn do that), that also one day in advance (one leave to see the event, and one to collect the ticket..wow). The icing on the cake is the long queues at these centres for collection of tickets. The wait time can range from 30 mins to an hour, even more.

As a result, while people do book the tickets, they actually dont end up seeing it, hence the sold out banners even though there are not many spectators in the stands.

Wish OC gets wiser, once and for all.

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