Who Am I??

An environmental engg turned Software Engg working for a MNC. U cn call me Peenuts..thats what my long lost frend used 2 call me, and its in his memory.


Back in India

Finally after a month of working non stop and getting my ass whipped in foreign land m back, and m glad. This trip brought about a lot of first’s in my life - the first time I went abroad, saw the Twin towers live, saw a shark live, and worked without a day off for 28 days. Also managed to decode the Malaysia mystery to an extent so listing down my experiences for you.

1)      Before deciding to what you want to eat know this – Nasi means rice, Goreng == Fried, Mee = Noodles, Ayam == Chicken. So while Nasi Goreng means fried rice, Mee Goreng means fried noodles. If you are a veggie or crazy for Roti’s then try Roti Canai (pronounced Chennai). Roti Telur (Egg Roti) is equally delicious.

2)      Those living in KLCC, check out Nasi Kandar Pelita. The restaurant serves amazing Malaysian food, thosai (read dosas) and endless variety for the non veggies at extremely affordable prices. If you are craving for South Indian and a kadak chai then try Sarvana Bhavan in Bangsar. Kashmir Valley in Brickfield is a must try place too, however Jaisal located in Brickfield can be given a pass. While the food was tasty, it was heavy on oil and surely not worth 25 Ringers per person.
3)      If you are looking for souvenirs, Central Market is a nice option. I bought some nice paintings there but if you are are looking for something Kuala Lumpur specific, then you can find some nice treasures in at the Aquaria store in Suria KLCC.

4)      Chocolate factory is goooooooood but veryyyyy expensive too.
5)      Aquarium @ KLCC is superb. Go there around 12 or 3 pm so that you can enjoy the fish feeding shows as well.

6)      If you know skating, then Ice skating is a piece of cake. Try it out at Sunway Lagoon.

7)      Travelling my Monorail is like travelling on a toy ride. Its surely fun. The Delhi Metro is much better and comfortable than KL Metro.


B said...


Uma Anandane said...

liked it..interesting post with pictures :)

+ve n -ve of the phones and a girl's life...

Peenuts said...

@ Amrita & umapoems - Thank you :)

Book Reviews