Who Am I??

An environmental engg turned Software Engg working for a MNC. U cn call me Peenuts..thats what my long lost frend used 2 call me, and its in his memory.


The era of ambitious living, small on feelings and Facebook

What do u do when u r alone? Call ur friends, talk to them, visit them. Wht do u do if they are busy & involved now in their own lives? Spend time with ur sis. Wht do u do if she thinks you a bit old to hang out with her? Spend time with ur parents. Wht do u do if they think they r too old to hang out with you? Find a special one? What do u do if the special one is quite ambitious and wants to focus on 'her' own life??

This has been my dilemaa for ... may be since my best pal left me in 6th standard. And every 2 yrs or so it comes back to haunt me..making me miserable and lonely..again and again..desperate for attention, only to find out that that i hardly fit in anyone's league.

And this feeling has been compounded thanks to Facebook and all other social networking sites. People have become so short of feelings that they are content in writing one liners on their Walls but hav nothing to talk when you call them. That they would prefer spending the whole day looking at other people's status rather than going out and having a status of their own.

Or may be i m stuck in a wrong era - an era where feelings are becoming smaller, time is getting lesser, and i m left wondering whether i will be able to find anyone who wud be willing to soak up the lonliness in me!!!

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