Who Am I??

An environmental engg turned Software Engg working for a MNC. U cn call me Peenuts..thats what my long lost frend used 2 call me, and its in his memory.


DP 203 (Azure Data Engineer) certified


The last certification I had attempted was almost 3 yrs back. I had been wanting to appear for DP-203 (Data engineering on Azure) certification for a while now but kept dilly dallying. Finally thanks to the push from Nagarro I registered for the exam a month back.

Two weeks of decent studying, a great training from Ishant Garg on Udemy and two years of experience working in Azure helped me clear the certification with flying colors.

For anyone attempting the exam, here is a ready reckoner that helped me and should hopefully be of use to you as well.

  • Even if you have Azure hands on experience, going through this training on DP 203 from Ishang Garg helps iron out any kinks in your knowledge: DP-203: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure + Practice Tests | Udemy The course provides much needs insights into data engineering services like Cosmos DB, databricks, adf etc. However the practice questions in the course are very limited.
  • To get additional exam practice try this course: [NEW] Practice Tests | DP-203: Azure Data Engineer 2022 | Udemy. It offers a set of 4 practice tests. Though the test just tells you the correct answer without any detailed explanation, it never the less gives a good idea of what to expect in the exam.
Once done with these courses you are pretty much ready to appear for the exam. 
All the best. Do share your experience if this post helped.

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