Who Am I??

An environmental engg turned Software Engg working for a MNC. U cn call me Peenuts..thats what my long lost frend used 2 call me, and its in his memory.


A year in firangi land

Its been a year in foreign land but yet it seems so short. From wanting to going back initially to falling in love with this place its been a huge change. A few days back my mom sensed this too and asked whether i wanted to come back or not. So what's my answer? If you ask me a list of places where i would want to retire and settle down, this one ranks the highest.

Warm people, beautiful surroundings, a summer to fall in love with and a winters to stay cozy in your house, endless variety of cuisines and peace all around..What more i could ask for.

Have i started behaving like most of my friends too? Who sit here and debate on our country's economy, corruption, inflation but hate the thought of going back and doing something for our country. Definitely Not. A year here will always rank among the most cherish able times of my life but i look forward to coming back.

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