Who Am I??

An environmental engg turned Software Engg working for a MNC. U cn call me Peenuts..thats what my long lost frend used 2 call me, and its in his memory.


Project Bandaloop in Delhi

Dated: 26 - Nov -2010

Heard about Project Bandaloop performing in Delhi a few days back. Had read a lot about them in newspapers and online. The dance troupe from San Fransciso is famous for performing what they call - Dancing on the Walls. So took a leave from office and went to see their performance.

And was it worth it? It was one of the best things i have witnessed this year. In the 1 hr they performed they left the entire audience spellbound. It dint seem like that they were hanging from rooftops and gliding on the walls. Their movements were so smooth, so perfect. It was as if I was seeing them perform on a stage.

Took some beautiful videos of them performing with the help of my Canon IXUS. Must say m pretty impressed with the quality of my camera. Also given that this was the first time i recorded a Live Performance, must say i hav a pretty steady hand. Unfortunately my limited GB internet connection doesnt provide much scope to upload all the videos (Also quality has suffered) :(

Here's a short clip of their performance. Hope u enjoy it.

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